Friday, September 08, 2006

An introduction to raw pickled fish

Sill is some kind of Swedish delicacy. At least that is the case according to my advisor, Jan Sjöstrom. I generally enjoy fish, so I was looking forward to my initiation.

Here is a photo of Sill in tomato sauce on the left, and the hardcore nothing-but-fish version on the right. I am assured that the brand name Abba has nothing to do with the Swedish band of Dancing Queen fame. I leave you to be the judge.

Here is a photo of hardcore nothing-but-fish Sill on Vasa flatbread with the obligatory shot of schnapps to wash it down. One is well advised to be cautious of any food that requires a shot of hard alcohol to make it palatable...

Verdict? Not too bad, actually. The taste is not as strong as sardines. The texture is a bit like octopus - kind of rubbery. But altogether, not so bad at all. Special mention must go to the schnapps, which Jan's wife Lina prepared from (I am not making this up) some kind of swamp-plant. Her description, not mine. Whatever it was, it was quite good.


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