Sunday, September 10, 2006

REALLY clean clothes

I did my laundry yesterday. Normally, this is not worthy of comment. What I thought was unusual was how long it took to wash my clothes. I put them in the washing machine at 8 am, and they were finally finished around 10:30 am. Not dried, mind you, just finished in the washing machine. I thought this seemed a bit excessive, but I really don't pay much attention to my laundry machine in Canada. Normally I throw in a load whenever and it is done when I get back from wherever. So I kind of thought that maybe I just never noticed that it takes 2 1/2 hours for a load of laundry in Canada. Of course, they have the super fancy horizontally rotating washing machines here which you cannot open once the cycle starts, so you can't get pissed and finally rip your clothes out of the machine, clean or not.

I was kind of happy to hear my neighbour (Jane, and Australian) comment this morning on how long the laundry took her to do. I am not crazy after all. I guess Swedes really need clean clothes. Really, REALLY clean clothes. Just in the time I was watching (staring at the glass door as the clothes go round and round is kind of hypnotic and relaxing, actually) the thing must have gone through at least 5 wash/ spin/ rinse cycles.


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's true - when I lived in Germany, my washing machine took about 3 times as long as a Canadian washing machine. Apparently it is much more water-efficient, although I am inclined to think that the fact that it consumes electricity for three times as long negates any positive environmental effect. Anyway, Sonja is forever complaining that our washing machine here doesn't get the clothes clean enough.


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