Sunday, September 17, 2006

Big honkin headlights

A lot of folks here have huge headlights retrofit to their cars. I have never seen these before, which makes me think they must be illegal in Canada. Everyone I have asked claims that they are absolutely necessary during the "dark time", ie, November through February. An American ex-pat I have met here claims that they saved her from a half dozen collisions with moose last year. I am somewhat skeptical. I can't help think that the LCF may be at play (Look-Cool Factor). Because they do actually look quite cool,especially on Volvos (of course). And they don't annoy everyone nearby like those ignorant straight-pipe mufflers that teen-agers put onto their shit-box 1992 Honda Civics back in Quebec.

I am curious about how blinding these lights are for on-coming traffic. I will keep you posted. I haven't seen any actually lit yet.


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