Friday, September 15, 2006

Fun with translations and späcka monkeys

Yes, we have another great link from an Alert Reader. This was in the comments section, but it is just too cool to have hidden away. Check this out:

This web resource allows translation between English and Swedish, something even Google Translate cannot do. Unfortunately, users are limited to about 5 free translations before they are cut off and need to purchase the software. So I went out and did a bit of a web search for other, similar applications. I found:

Of course, I can't help but think that such automated translation programs would have trouble with complicated stuff. So, lets try running the following phrase from English to Swedish and back again, shall we?

"Lard monkeys who are incapable of physical exertion need not apply"

Translated into Swedish:

"Späcka apor som är inkompetenta av läkarundersökningansträngning inte behöver att applicera"

and back into English:

"Späcka monkeys that are inkompetenta of medical examination effort does not need to apply"

Yeah, that may need some work.


At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ran into the same problem with freenet (being cut off), but it turns out that each day you are again allowed your quota of translations.

The best however is that I too (being a skeptic) tried the translate/retranslate. I translated from english into swedish using the software. I then took the resultant swedish phrase and attempted to translate back to enlgish. I then received an error message stating that the phrase I was attempting to translate appeared to be in Italian and not Swedish. Hmmmmmm.

Alert Reader


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