Saturday, April 07, 2007

10 rules for being a gracious visitor

1) Don't ever talk about yourself unless asked. If asked, reply briefly, completely and honestly then use the subject to lead into a question for your host. Do not exaggerate anything, ever.

2) Ask lots of questions. Be curious and show a genuine interest in your hosts and your host's interests.

3) Always smile and be enthusiastic. Again, be genuine. Nothing is worse than fake enthusiasm. Never, ever say anything negative about anyone or anything under any circumstances. Nobody likes bad energy, regardless of whether it is true or not.

4) Help out in a small chore without being asked. Helping out in a big chore will probably make your host uncomfortable no matter how much you insist you want to do it.

5) Be neat.

6) Do your bed.

7) Be effusive in your praise and thank your host repeatedly. Once again, be genuine.

8) Go with the flow. You do not dictate the pace of things in someone else's home.

9) Make an honest effort to speak their language, even if you butcher it. The effort is always appreciated. At the very least, learn how to say 'Thank you' and 'Please' in their language.

10) Put on your shoes before final goodbyes. If you say goodbye then put on your shoes, there is always a minute or two of awkward silence when neither of you know quite what to say.

These rules are not negotiable if you wish to leave a good impression and hope to be invited back. When people host you, they probably realize that the chances of being repaid in kind are very slim. They host you because you seem nice and interesting and because everyone enjoys the feeling of altruism. As a guest you need to understand these motivations and do your part to fulfill your end of the bargain.

You know you are doing well when your hosts offer to set you up with their neices within 24 hours of meeting them.


At 5:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a nice list. But what I want to know is how the meeting with the "neices" went. Sheesh, you must have left a good impression if they want you to hook up with more that one!

hehe, jk, hope your race goes/went well

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

It was a subtle offer, and one that I politely turned down.

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have met them first before declining. Remember the Danish girls at CIOR? Happy to change uniforms in the middle of the sports field and stunningly attractive......


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