Monday, November 20, 2006


OK, I can't take it any longer.

Am I really the only person on the planet who was less than enthralled with the new Borat movie?

A bit of a disclaimer here: I really wanted to like this movie (as previous posts will attest). I love the 5 minute Borat skits that appeared on TV, I think they are incredibly funny and original. I also happen to love the kind of embarrassing, lowest-common-denominator humour of films like Dumb and Dumber and Jackass. So this movie should have been a slam-dunk for me.

It wasn't.

There were funny bits to be sure. I laughed, at times really hard. But overall, I just kind of found it to be rude. Moreso than in any of the skits, the film makers really play on and take advantage of the good will of the unsuspecting people Borat interviews.

The high point and great originality of Borat lies in exposing bigots. If you can expose an asshole for what they truly are - and turn them into a laughingstock at the same time - then the more power to you. Well done, I say. But a lot of this movie had to do with making laughingstocks of people who were harmless and tolerant. People I wouldn't mind getting to know.

I am not talking about the redneck homophobic cowboy and racist frat boys. Those were some of the better bits. But the old Jewish couple? I mean, come on, have a bit of decency. I can only hope that this scene was one of the ones that were staged. As for the climax, involving Pamela Anderson, it didn't do anything for me. It just struck me as mean. Again, rumour has it that this was staged as well. One can hope.

All in all, I feel a bit left out, and wondering if I am a bit over sensitive. The reviewers are universal in their praise. This film looks like it may become the highest grossing comedy of all time. I think it is healthy for a culture to be able to laugh at itself (Mohammed cartoons, anybody?) but I also think there is a fine line between satire and mockery. At times, I think Borat crossed it.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Rob MacEwen said...

If it's worth doing it isn't always worth overdoing. At least, it would appear, that this is an exception to the well known universal law.


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