Monday, January 29, 2007

Swedish News

In the interest of keeping my Alert Readers fully apprised of hot news from Sweden, here is a brief summary of recent items:

Sweden to ban swearing in public

OK, well not really. But a councillor in Ljusdal is proposing it.

"We need a zero tolerance approach to this sort of thing," the Centre Party councillor, who has presented a motion on the issue to the council, told The Local. (The Local is the English language Swedish newspaper)

If this goes through, I will probably end up in jail.

Swedish nuclear power plant run by drunks

In a recent report that would make Homer Simpson blush, the Forsmark nuclear power station has been cited for "potentially fatal" safety breaches. On top of that, when 25 of the plant staff were given breathalyzer tests, 3 were found to be under the influence and had to be sent home.

Sweden to set up embassy in Second Life

Second Life is a virtual world where people can create characters and "live", with all the common stuff that goes with daily life. Apparently it is a big deal. Anyhow, Sweden is setting up an official embassy in Second Life. They are the first nation to do so, although Canada has an unofficial embassy apparently. Although as I figure it the only people who really care about this are pretty hopeless anyhow.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Rob MacEwen said...

I have a friend who just left the company that develops Second Life. It is an interesting place as far as virtual worlds go. I guess that makes me hopeless hehe.

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. As I figure it, only Losers in the Real World want to set up second lives in the Virtual World.


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