Thursday, November 02, 2006


I just changed the tires on my car. The winter tires here have satisfying, aggressive little metal cleats that really mean business.

There is just something about changing the tires on a car that makes me feel awfully male. Same for splitting wood. It gives a guy a deep conviction that if you really had to, you could survive alone in the forest, getting by on nothing but your wits and an innate masculine mastery of bushcraft.

It is a well known fact that getting your hands greasy and filthy satisfies a primitive, crocodilian area of the male brain deep in the cerebellum. I am not making any of this up. This is the same area of the brain that was no doubt aroused in our Homo Erectus ancestors when they got their hands covered with the blood of some hapless prey that would soon become lunch.

All true, I swear.

I think I need to go out and buy an splitting maul.


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YESSSS.... I found someone who will split wood for me over Christmas!!!



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