Monday, December 11, 2006


I was introduced to Julmust this past weekend. It is a local soft drink that is only available in Sweden over the Christmas season and Easter and literally translated means "Christmas Concentrate." It is a bit like Coke except a bit fruitier and apparently has no caffeine (which beggars the imagination - if there is one thing Swedes love it is caffeine). Here is a nifty graph I found showing Julmust sales vs. Cola sales over the course of 2003-2004:

For non-engineers out there, over the Christmas season sales of this dinky two-bit local softdrink (which has effectively no sales during the summer months) kicks all cola brands combined asses by a ratio of about 3:2.
Apparently this drives Coca Cola absolutely bananas. However, despite decades of carpet bomb advertisements over the holidays, they are still being outsold in Sweden.
I know I did my bit. I can't remember ever buying a bottle of Coke in my entire life (cans don't count), but I have a bottle of Julmust in my fridge right now. I rather like it.


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