Friday, December 08, 2006


I have yet to meet someone my age who didn't love Fraggle Rock as a kid. It was probably the best muppet program of them all, which makes sense, because it was the last one Jim Henson put together.

Great as the show was, my favorite characters were the Doozers. They built great stuff like bridges and cranes and accepted without malice the Fraggles who would always eat their constructions (their building material was refined from radishes).

Seeing how much I loved Doozers as a 10 year old (the program debuted in 1983), it would be difficult to discount the probability that subconsciously they had an impact on my choosing to become an engineer. For that, Jim Henson, I salute you.


There is a Fraggle movie in the works, scheduled to come out in 2007 or 2008. How excellent.


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