Monday, August 28, 2006

Crazy Finnish language

The Finnish language is truly baffling. Anywhere else in Europe, a working knowledge of English and French will give you the tools necessary to find something to hook onto in Spanish, Italian, German, you name it. Especially if things are written down. At least the word roots are the same. Not in Finnish. I am truly staggered by how weird this language is. At least half the letters in a given word will be vowels. The average word length must be 15 letters, and I have seen signs which have words that reach from one side of the sign to the other. Even people's names are beyond me. I have to ask at least 3 times to get a name right, and even then I have no idea how it is spelled. This can obviously get kind of embarrassing.

Kiitos. That is the one and only Finnish word I have learned and can pronounce consistently. It means Thank you and it is extremely useful when you have no idea of what is going on and constantly depend on the goodwill and kindness of strangers to accomplish even the most basic of tasks.


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